
The AD-PVO 6000 GT-DLE flow heater set is designed for loading thermal hot water storage tanks according to the flow heater principle. The benefit of this system, as compared to a fixed heating element installed directly in the water tank, is that the entire hot water tank can be charged. This means that significantly more energy can be stored in the same volume of water, as the layering in the tank is eliminated. Even if no heating element can be screwed in directly, this system is easy to install independently of the other ambient factors. The otherwise unused PV surplus is thus optimally used for thermal energy.

Individual components of the DLE set:
1 pc. AD-PVO 6000 GT Photovoltaik-Optimizer
1 pc. AD-HST 35 Screw-in heating element (1,5" with 3 Tube heaters 500W, 1.000W and 2.000W combinable)
1 pc. Stainless steel flow heater
1 pc. Circulation pump
1 pc. Thermostatic control AD-THV 10 SO



Charging hot water tanks with PV surplus according to the flow heater principle.

Specific characteristics

  • PV surplus controller
  • Circulation pump for the water flow through the flow heater
  • Stainless steel pipe for heating element installation
  • Electric heating element
  • Thermostatic control unit for temperature-dependent pump control
  • Integrated non-return valve on circulation pump

Business data

Order number
AD-PVO 6000 GT-DLE Controller incl. heating element, flow heater pipe, thermostatic control unit and circulation pump incl. non-return valve
Accessory (optional)
USB programming adapter
Customs tariff number / country of origin 8543 70 90 / Deutschland


Data sheet controller pdf en-pvo6000.pdf (409 kB)
Data sheet heating element pdf HST 35
Data sheet thermostatic control unit pdf en-thv10.pdf (523 kB)
Datenblatt Durchlauferhitzer-Rohr pdf dle.pdf (88 kB)
Datenblatt Zirkulationspumpe pdf dle_pumpe.pdf (981 kB)
Software zip Konfigurationssoftware AD-Studio
Safety instructions pdf ad-safety-instructions.pdf (86 kB)

Technical specifications

Technical details See technical details in the data sheets for the individual components of the DLE set

Circuit examples


CAD / CAE Daten

CAD model is not yet available for this product.

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