AD-VL 500 FE
The AD-VL 500 FE monitor module is a display unit and data logger for front panel installation. It has up to 8 analogue standard signal inputs. The inputs can be configured as current or voltage inputs. Counter values can be derived simultaneously from the analogue signals by means of adjustable switching thresholds. A scaled measured value display with freely definable units is possible. The display is done by freely configurable display elements such as numeric display, bar graph, time diagram, drag pointer, LEDs, etc. The unit is supplied with predefined standard display windows. All signals can be logged cyclically in the unit's own memory. The logged data are stored as daily files on an internal micro SD card. They can be retrieved at any time with a USB stick or downloaded via the network interface. The unit can be configured either via the integrated web server of the network interface or via the configuration software AD-Studio. The configuration software is available free of charge on the ADAMCZEWSKI website. The various interfaces (RS485/LAN) make it easy to integrate the device into your own data networks in order to read out measurement data in real time.
Display of freely definable values on a graphic display. Scrolling through several display types. Visual signal monitoring with web browser. Logging of data for later evaluation.
Specific characteristics
- 40 configurable display elements.
- All properties of the display elements such as colour, size, position, labelling and type are configurable.
- 10 configurable displays with 1...12 display elements per display.
- Integrated web server.
- Convenient configuration of the displays via PC software AD-Studio.
- Buffered real-time clock.
- Interface protocols: Modbus-RTU, Modbus-TCP